
Next-Gen Generics: Complex Drug Formulations
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

Next-Gen Generics: Complex Drug Formulations

Complex products represent nearly a third of branded drug products currently used, yet they face significantly less generic competition because they are harder to replicate and genericize. Complex generics are also more likely to face shortages due to demand, supply, and regulatory issues.

The generic pharmaceutical industry must continue to expand access to complex generics to make them readily available to patients who need them.

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AI in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

AI in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Pharmaceutical manufacturing has remained largely unchanged for decades. Mix ingredients, press tablets, inspect quality, package, and ship. But, the rise of artificial intelligence is fundamentally reshaping these traditional processes, offering new solutions to longstanding manufacturing challenges while opening doors to capabilities that seemed impossible just a few years ago.

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How Generic Drug Manufacturers Are Embracing Technology for Better Patient Outcomes
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

How Generic Drug Manufacturers Are Embracing Technology for Better Patient Outcomes

Modern drug manufacturing facilities share little resemblance to their counterparts from one or two decades ago. Instead of entirely human-run operations, manufacturers are deploying sophisticated technology every step of the way. While many brand-name manufacturers make headlines for their innovations, revolutionary technology is being integrated at the generics level as well to improve quality, efficiency, and patient outcomes.

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How WPRX Ensures Transparency and DSCSA Compliance
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

How WPRX Ensures Transparency and DSCSA Compliance

Westminster Pharmaceuticals (WPRX) is proud to be a leader in regulatory compliance and transparency. We go beyond basic requirements to ensure the highest safety and efficacy standards in our generic medications. Every medication that comes from us can be tracked, verified, and trusted throughout its journey to the patient.

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Shortages and High Costs: How We’re Balancing Industry Challenges for Sustainable, Affordable Generic Drug Access
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

Shortages and High Costs: How We’re Balancing Industry Challenges for Sustainable, Affordable Generic Drug Access

Generic drugs have long been the backbone of the U.S. healthcare system, filling nine out of every ten prescriptions and saving Americans trillions of dollars over the past few decades. However, recent trends have put our industry under pressure, threatening the availability and affordability of essential medications. Despite ongoing challenges, these are the proactive steps WPRX is taking to ensure the continued availability of vital generics.

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Pharmaceutical partnerships: bridging gaps in the supply chain
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

Pharmaceutical partnerships: bridging gaps in the supply chain

Pharmaceutical success isn’t achieved in isolation. Collaboration is the key to overcoming challenges and elevating the industry. At Westminster Pharmaceuticals (WPRX), we firmly believe that strong partnerships are the cornerstone of advancing the generic pharmaceutical sector and ensuring patients can access high-quality, affordable medications.

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Telemedicine: Elevate your online pharmacy with generic drugs
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

Telemedicine: Elevate your online pharmacy with generic drugs

Telemedicine and telehealth services have revolutionized the healthcare industry, providing patients unprecedented access to medical care from the comfort of their homes. Integrating Westminster Pharmaceuticals’ generic drugs into your online pharmacy can enhance affordability and accessibility, making quality healthcare available to more people who need it.

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Navigating Drug Patents: Understanding the Generics Landscape
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

Navigating Drug Patents: Understanding the Generics Landscape

The journey from a groundbreaking pharmaceutical discovery to the hands of those in need is paved with innovation, regulation, and patents. When a pharmaceutical patent expires, it allows other manufacturers to produce and sell generic versions of the drug, making the medication more accessible. However, the path to introducing generic drugs is not always clear or direct.

Learn more about the complexity of drug patents, common strategies and tactics to delay patent cliffs, and how the promotion and use of generic drugs play a crucial role in the market.

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Sustainability in Pharma: Green Practices in Generic Drug Production
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

Sustainability in Pharma: Green Practices in Generic Drug Production

The pharmaceutical sector provides access to essential medications worldwide but struggles with a significant environmental footprint. Globally, the industry produces 55% more than the automotive industry. Here are a few ways generic drug producers can address these issues and mitigate the industry’s ecological footprint.

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New and currently trending generics
Rachel Chesnicka Rachel Chesnicka

New and currently trending generics

Access to affordable, high-quality medications is critical. Westminster Pharmaceuticals continues to expand its portfolio with new products to meet evolving healthcare needs while protecting the availability of important high-demand medications. Learn more about the latest addition to the Westminster Pharmaceuticals collection of generic medications as well as two products currently trending today.

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USF Health Student Becomes First Recipient of the Westminster Pharmaceuticals Scholarship
Press Release, Company News Rachel Chesnicka Press Release, Company News Rachel Chesnicka

USF Health Student Becomes First Recipient of the Westminster Pharmaceuticals Scholarship

The USF Health Taneja College of Pharmacy has announced that the first recipient of the Westminster Pharmaceuticals Scholarship for the spring 2023 semester is graduate student Yevgeny Habibe. The scholarship, created and sponsored by Westminster Pharmaceuticals, was designed to help one student pursue a college education in pharmacy, representing the best of the future of pharmaceuticals.

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Empowering Your Pharmacy's Growth with a Diverse Portfolio of Generic Drugs
Generic Drugs Briana Scanio Generic Drugs Briana Scanio

Empowering Your Pharmacy's Growth with a Diverse Portfolio of Generic Drugs

The heart of every thriving pharmacy lies in its ability to meet the diverse needs of its patients. Because nine out of ten prescriptions dispensed in the US are for generic drugs, this ability is largely driven by a healthy inventory of in-demand generics. In this dynamic healthcare landscape, where patient care and business growth go hand in hand, the key to your pharmacy's success is a well-curated and diverse portfolio of generic drugs. Here’s how embracing generic drugs can propel your pharmacy toward unparalleled growth and patient satisfaction.

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The Future of Generic Pharmaceuticals: Innovations and Trends
Generic Drugs, Drug Manufacturing Briana Scanio Generic Drugs, Drug Manufacturing Briana Scanio

The Future of Generic Pharmaceuticals: Innovations and Trends

Generic pharmaceuticals have revolutionized the healthcare industry since their entry into the market over five decades ago. They expanded patient access to medications by providing more affordable alternatives to costly brand-name drugs, therefore lowering healthcare costs for consumers and improving public health. Today, 9 out of 10 prescriptions filled are generics, though they only make up 18.2% of the country’s drug spend due to their low costs, which tend to be 80-85% cheaper than branded drugs. The global generic pharmaceutical industry is growing significantly and is expected to reach over $682.9 billion by 2030. So, what’s in store for the future of generic pharmaceuticals? Here’s what we can expect to see from the generic drugs market in the coming years.

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Westminster Pharmaceuticals Featured Prescription Products
Generic Drugs Briana Scanio Generic Drugs Briana Scanio

Westminster Pharmaceuticals Featured Prescription Products

Westminster Pharmaceuticals is always researching new pharmaceuticals to add to our extensive product catalog, taking note of medications in high-demand categories. Learn a little about four of our newest prescription medicines and two of our top-performing products below. 

Contact your sales representative if you are a WPRX partner that would like to place an order or are interested in becoming a partner.

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Understanding the Generic Drug Approvals Process
Drug Manufacturing, Generic Drugs Briana Scanio Drug Manufacturing, Generic Drugs Briana Scanio

Understanding the Generic Drug Approvals Process

Getting generic drugs approved and on the market is a complex process that can be lengthy, but the thoroughness of the review process ensures only high-quality, safe, and effective medications are available to patients and consumers.

While branded drugs prove their effectiveness to the FDA via their research, development and clinical trials, generic drugs demonstrate their effectiveness with data that shows the drug can be an appropriate substitute for the branded product.

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